I’m going to interrupt my normal feed of sweet couples and weddings to bring you something a little different but so magical!
**PSA: If birth, makes you queasy I would tread lightly, none of the pictures I post will be too graphic but if you’re sensitive it may not be your most favorite post
Bullet’s birth was a beautiful experience. I don’t get to photograph many births these days, due to their unpredictable nature and being a Wedding Photographer, it stinks but most of the time I’m unable to say yes to these requests. However, The Cheshire family have been clients of mine for YEARS. I was there when their baby girl Ellie was born in 2015, which you can find HERE (some of the images got lost in the blog transition and they are deep in the archives of my collection of external hard drives, I hope to be able to update the blog to correct the missing images soon, once I find the correct hard drive!).
Ellie’s birth was a tough one. Long, and hard. She was born not breathing, and it was a stressful birth to say the least. Ellie was fine, and the St. Joseph team was incredible to witness. Her blog tells the whole story, and it’s a good one.
When Holly asked if I would be able to do this one, I WANTED to so badly. I have been there for the milestones for a few years now, and I didn’t want to miss this one! But it was smack dab at the beginning of my busy season…so basically we said, If I can make it GREAT! If I can’t, that sucks but it is what it is. I planned a backup photographer (the incredible Michelle Voigt!) that would hopefully be able to make it if I couldn’t.
The thing you need to know about Holly. She is a Doula. And good at it! She loves all things birth, and really desired to have a natural delivery with the least amount of interventions as possible. With Ellie it was a less than ideal birth for her. It was long and hard, she had to get Pitocin, be induced and needed Stadol for pain relief from just being so exhausted from her very long (two days y’all!) birth.
We were hopeful that this birth would be different.
Well for a week or so Holly was having contractions. They weren’t doing anything tho, and she was getting tired. She was only a few days from her due date when they asked if she wanted to try a balloon induction. It seemed she was ready, everything was making progress just s l o w l y and she was tired. So she agreed. For those that don’t know what a balloon induction is, click HERE! It’s a really great way to induce that doesn’t require the use of Pitocin, IF you are ready to go into labor.
And it worked! At 9:11 on March 29th, just two days away from her Due Date, she texted me to let me know she was 5cm at water was broken!
I got dressed (because most of you know I linger in my PJ’s as long as I think is marginally socially accepted…lol!), and headed up to the hospital.
Her Doula, Rachel, arrived shortly after.
Her journey that day was slow and steady, she laughed between contractions, and progressed perfectly. Since her water was broken, the Dr was worried that she needed a little push and towards the end of the day threatened a small dose of Pitocin…and all of the sudden she was near completion!
She labored the way she desired, even getting to get in the shower for a bit. She then was able to deliver the way she desired. It was a beautiful redemptive birth.
Baby Bullet was born, and we held our breath as we waited for his sweet little cry. We did not hear that with Ellie’s birth, the room was heavy with anticipation…and then it happened. And I couldn’t help but melt into sobs of thankfulness! Those sweet little cries, the sound of life. He was perfect. And to see his parents…they exchanged looks of relief and pure exhilaration at this sweet boy they had just brought into the world.
There is nothing more precious than watching a man see his child for the first time, and watch him cry tears of pure joy. And then watch him fall even deeper in love with his beautiful bride, who just gave birth to their child.
It is magical.
Less than a week later they met me at Rosalyn Ash Photographys studio so that I could capture a few Newborn Portraits. A big thank you to Rosie for allowing me to use her studio, since I no longer have any newborn things!
Holly and Brad, thank you so much for giving me the honor of capturing such amazing moments in your lives. I love your sweet family and am so excited to watch it grow!
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