When planning where to have Bailey & Dylan’s Engagement Session, Bailey suggested The Gardens of TAMU. I had never been but immediately looked it up and thought YES!! Later, at their Engagement Session, while getting to know them more I found out that Bailey is a Landscape Architect. Making The Gardens, the best spot for their session!
If you haven’t been yet, I highly recommend it. The Gardens are just gorgeous, and the whole place is beautifully put together.
One of the first things Bailey said to me was “You’re going to have to tell us what to do! We’ve never done this before!” and my response…PERFECT! I love teaching my clients to pose, and I secretly/not so secretly love bossing people around haha!! It’s the Oldest Child Syndrome!
But as you’ll see below, they had nothing to fear, and looked completely comfortable snuggling and nuzzling without effort!!
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