Our Kauai Vacation as #HoneymoonersButNotNewlyweds
Chris and I have been married ELEVEN years now y’all!
When we got married, we already had young children and weren’t in a place to go on a honeymoon. We always said “One Day…maybe for our Ten Year Anniversary”.
But our 10 year anniversary came and went and we didn’t make it happen. Didn’t even think about it!
But this year we began talking about Hawaii more and more.
Chris grew up in Oahu and spent some time in Kauai, and he’s talked about Kauai since I’ve known him.
And this year we had started to discuss travel alot. Chris is an avid user of SkyScanner and was constantly looking at different tropical places, and always keeping an eye on Kauai. We love to travel but just hadn’t been able to much, and we had never really traveled much together, and never without kids!
Late this summer he texted me a screen shot of SkyScanner for a really good deal on flights to Kauai. I immediately texted back WE SHOULD GO!
I got on our Family Group Me and asked if anyone could watch our kids during that time, and my brother in law (thank you Brandan & Jess!!) immediately said they could!!
Next thing I knew, we had booked the flight, the condo and a car! We were headed on our Honeymoon at last!!
I took so many pictures, that I have to break this up into bite size pieces. We just loved every minute of our trip and cannot wait to go back.
When we awoke in Hawaii the day after our arrival it was really early in the morning. We were on a different time schedule and 5am there, was 10am back home. So we decided to get on the road and visit the South Shore.
After sticking our feet in the sand for a moment we grabbed coffee at this adorable coffee house, and the lady who owned the place made me the BEST Vanilla Coconut Milk Latte I have ever had! It was perfectly sweet, and the exact right temperature.
Afterwards we headed to Wiamea Canyon and traveled to all the lookouts.
It was spectacular. The pictures below are beautiful but just do not do justice to the majesty of this place. The waterfalls, and lush green mountainsides…breathtaking.
We did take some video and we are uploading them to our family youtube as Chris finishes editing them in his spare time (we hope to make our youtube much more consistent in the coming months so be on the lookout!), if you would like to see more and of his perspective visit: Our Blended Green House YouTube
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