Tera & Treyton’s Engagement Session at The Stella Hotel in Bryan, Texas with Jericka of the RDP Team

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Catherine and Daniel’s Engagement Session was originally scheduled for a day where the weather just would not cooperate. I am so thankful for clients that heed my advice when I tell them “Let’s reschedule” because this reschedule day was AMAZING!
I have seen Hensel park so many times, and never actually thought about it as an option for sessions…so when they suggested it I thought sure! A new spot is always fun and gets those creative juices flowin!
When I arrived I just knew it was going to be an amazing Engagement Session.
Their outfits were on point, and the sun was popping thru the first tree we came across in the most epic way!
Catherine and Daniel are getting married late this summer at the amazing Peach Creek Ranch, and I for one cannot wait to celebrate with them!
Caitlyn & Ryan asked early on if I was ok with them bringing their dogs to their Engagement Session…
Let me just state for the record:
YES!! Bring your fur-baby(s) along!!
They are such an important part of your life! HOWEVER, I’ve got tips to set expectations and help make your session much smoother if you follow these.
I know, YOUR fur-baby is the worlds most behaved pet…and at home, this is probably ABSOLUTELY the truth!!
But when you are in an unusual setting with unusual circumstances (ie a stranger pointing a weird contraption at their face making a fool out of themselves *i’m the stranger, and yes i tend to make a fool out of myself with children and pets haha!*…well let’s just say things don’t go as expected! And that’s OK!! But it is also why I highly suggest having someone as the assigned pet sitter when we are no longer going to be having the fur-baby in the pictures.
Just like children, I usually suggest starting with the fur-babies first, and then allowing them to roam off with the assigned person or even leave.
Leashes, because in an unnatural environment (like mentioned above) your sweet one will probably not sit as well as they normally would at home, and you may need to hang on to them if a squirrel happens to catch their attention lol! Treats can always help me! I sometimes will take a bag of treats (as long as they aren’t the type to lunge for them!) and shake it to get them to pay attention, and then they get a little reward after the shot!
And last but certainly not least…patience. Remember they are in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar person. Just like a toddler they may take some warming up, and they may not do exactly what you wish. Thats totally ok!! I’m in no hurry, and if we show we are patient I promise we still end up getting good shots! Sometimes if I’ve got a rambunctious one, and they are just too wound up to sit still at the moment, I’ll just have you guys start playing! These are always super fun and adorable candid pictures. Once they’ve gotten that out of their system and maybe walked with us as I take time to shoot the two of you, then they normally calm down and we are able to get plenty of the pictures you are hopeful for!
The majority of this session is about the two of you. And while I do not mind ONE BIT if you bring your fur-baby and we will for sure get some great shots in…be prepared that we will not spend a lot of time with them. Short attention spans and all;) I try to get everything done as soon as we start with them, and like I mentioned above, if they need some time to acclimate we will wait a bit and have some fun with them, but overall I tend to get them done first! It is also because I want us to get into a groove of shooting.
My system helps you guys relax and fall into it naturally so that you can have fun and feel good about the final product! I want you to always remember feeling blissfully happy during your Engagement Session, and not be distracted (because let’s face it, your fur-baby is probably the cutest thing ever and that kind of adorableness is a distraction lol)!
Caitlyn & Ryan did all of these things. They had a caretaker for their sweet little fur-babies and we got their family portraits done first. They were super patient with their pups and it turned out great! We were then able to focus on the two of them!
I had so much fun with these two, and I just cannot WAIT for their Wedding next March!!
A fun and romantic Downtown Bryan, TX Engagement Session
When I get the opportunity to photograph our friends, when they trust me to document some of the biggest moments of their lives…it is truly an honor. From their family pictures, to Engagement Session and Wedding, I am just loving getting to have these two in front of my camera!
I met Devin while Chris worked at a local flooring store here in town (if you don’t know much about my #beardedlover he was a flooring contractor for 20+ years and is still working in the industry as a project manager + being my AMAZING second shooter!). Chris and him hit it off immediately, and Chris always came home talking about this kid Devin he worked with.
Soon after meeting Devin I had the opportunity to meet his sweet girlfriend (now FIANCE!) Meghan. And I just fell in love with her sweet, caring demeanor. These two are the CUTEST! Devin is so sweet and precious, and head over heels for Meghan, it’s adorable to watch.
So when they approached me to ask if I would be their Wedding Photographer, I didn’t even hesitate to say YES… and ask about the date later;)
Thankfully I was available and I am so so excited to get to capture this part of their lives!
On top of just being the cutest, they are so patient. I actually had to reschedule a couple of times on them for their engagement session, and Meghan didn’t even worry about it. I am so thankful for how gracious they have been with me.
But the day finally came, and y’all I just LOVE their session!
I am normally all about a field, but I really loved getting to walk around Downtown Bryan for their Engagement Session. Downtown offers so many unique backdrops that it just makes it one big adventure.
Devin & Meghan, I had so much fun with you guys! We cannot wait for your Wedding Day!
When Paul contacted me to ask if I would be available for a proposal at The Kettle…my initial reaction was HECK YEA!! If you know me at all, you probably know there is a heated debate in our home over which is better: The Kettle or IHOP. I still maintain that the Kettle is where it’s at. It’s the best spot to go to satisfy those late night pancake cravings, and/or bacon cheese fries (give me all the ranch!!). And while it may be a little diner, it holds many memories for me…so it will ALWAYS beat out IHOP!
I immediately wrote back telling him I thought it was a fabulous idea and I was down!
There was just one catch. He wanted me to be there at 2am in the morning (because lets be honest, that’s when most of us were really hittin up good ole Kettle!). They would go to Harry’s, dance the night away and end it at the Kettle where they first met.
That day I took a nap to ensure I would be ready to go! And I just stayed awake, afraid I wouldn’t hear my alarm, which we all know is a very real possibility with me! I like my sleep!
I stayed up, headed to the Kettle and drank my weight in coffee while I waited.
Paul texted as he and Allie headed my way, and when he got there I feel like we played it off so well! I totally pretended not to know them and he did the same. They sat a few booths ahead of me and on the other side so I would have a good view.
Then he texted me that he would be doing it when the drinks came out…literally 10seconds after I got the text the drinks came out! Haha! I don’t think he was expecting that!
But he played it off well, and I could hear him start to tell her how much he loved her and I knew it was about to go down!
I had my equipment by my side with my hand on my camera ready to pull it out, I was SO NERVOUS for him! When he pulled the ring out I started shooting!
It was so perfect!
Allie you have a gem of a fiancé in Paul, and Paul she is a doll! I wish you both the absolute best of luck! Congrats again on your engagement, and thank you for choosing me to be there for this amazing moment in your lives!
This engagement session is going to melt you!! From the first time I “met” Caitlin over Facetime, I knew she was a bride I wanted to work with! I loved hearing about their Moore Ranch on the Brazos Wedding that would be happening spring of 2017. An elementary school teacher, with a love for all things DIY, hearing her explain the many sentimental things and DIYing that would be done for the wedding…my heart pitter pattered. Caitlin was just so sweet, caring, and kind. I briefly “met” Matt during that Facetime, and knew by the way Caitlin talked about him that he was pretty awesome himself! These two have grown up together, been together since they were 15, and are so ready to start a life together. I’m a sucker for a highschool sweetheart love story! Matt is a football coach/teacher who will be working with Caitlin’s dad at a high school in College Station. How cute is that?
Normally my #beardedlover joins me for engagement sessions…however our sweet boy was not feeling well, so he had to stay home on dad duty! I loved that Caitlin & Matt asked for him tho! They had been watching my Snapchat (add me: imaniphotog) and knew that we normally did behind the scenes, and he was normally the ring leader! But we still got a couple of behind the scenes, however Chris was definitely missed!
Caitlin + Matt, I had so much fun with you! You knocked it out of the park, endured the heat and did it all with a huge smile on your face! You trusted me completely, and were so excited for my control freak nature to come out and tell you exactly what to do! You knew I had a vision for the session and allowed me to do my thing! I loved getting to sit down afterwards and have drinks, talk wedding, but most importantly talk life with you. Hearing stories about each of your bridal party, the crazy fun groomsmen, and getting a vision for what your Wedding Day will be like…it gets me so incredibly excited for February!! I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites from your session!