Here’s the scenario:
You get engaged, you are so excited! You immediately begin planning (and let’s be honest, some of us are pulling a Monica from Friends, and taking out our scrapbook from when we were kids), telling your fiance all the things YOU were planning for the wedding! You don’t mean anything by it. You just assume, like most, that the groom doesn’t really care much for wedding planning… then the bomb drops. He let’s his voice be heard, and boy does he have opinions!
Maybe there are specific colors he doesn’t like, or suits he wants to wear, it could be any number of things. But he has made it known that he has an opinion and wants to be included.
Ladies! Don’t stress!! If your man wants to help in this process, and wants to be involved, consider yourself blessed!! *and if he could care less don’t take it as an insult!
Here are a few tips for dealing with a groom that is opinionated:
- Be Gracious
Use this opportunity to grow as a couple! Hear him out, not just his ideas, but his why. If he wants a specific suit, why? If he wants specific food to be served, why? If he thinks Peonies are the only flower that should be front and center (I’m not sure I ever see a groom be this opinionated about florals…but never say never!), why?! Don’t be sarcastic or rude, just simply listen and hear. Ask questions and let him know that you truly care about him being involved and want to respect his desire to be a part of this special time. - Compromise
This is such a tough one for us when planning the wedding we’ve dreamed of as a little girl! But a great way to practice constructive conflict resolution (if you don’t recognize this term, look it up, ask your premarital counselor and get comfy with the idea! it could save your marriage one day!). It’s OK to disagree! It’s ok to both have strong opinions. But at some point, a decision has to be made. If you take the time to hear each other out and try to come up with a solution that works well for you both I promise you will grow and the day will still be perfect! - Two Become ONE
Bottom Line, this is about joining two unique individuals. It’s about bringing you together in covenant, regardless of your differences, for better or worse. This day is NOT just about the bride! While I know we want to think it is, this wedding is special to you both. The day is meant to celebrate the two of you becoming a married couple, a celebration of your love and devotion to one another. That is the most important thing! So at the end of the day if you two end up married…it was a WONDERFUL wedding!
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