Y’all! We made it TEN years!!
Today marks 10 years married.
Ten years of hard work, and daily choosing each other.
Ten years of getting to spend every day with our person.
Ten years of having the most fun of our life!
Ten years of building a family together.
Ten years of starting businesses, changing career paths, and countless crazy ideas and schemes.
Ten years of figuring out this whole blended parenting thing together.
Ten years of crazy intentional love for each other.

Thank you to: Sarah Best Photography, Sarah Burns previously of Butterfly Chaser Photography, and Rosalyn Ash Photography for capturing us thru the years!!!
TEN things we’ve learned being married for 10 years:
1: Say “I love you” often. Don’t just show it and expect they know it. We are always sure to say it every time we leave each other, whether in person or on the phone.
2: Expectations are the devils playground.
3: Kiss a lot. Every day. Chris kisses me before he leaves, and when he returns, and it makes me feel loved and thought about. HERE is a great article on kissing!
4: He likes his beer in a mug, I like mine straight from the bottle…somehow we make it work.
5: Learn what your spouses “love language” is and then learn how to speak it fluently! –>find the test HERE
6: Always tell her she’s BEAUTIFUL and mean it!
7: Never EVER use the D word! “Divorce” shouldn’t even be a word in your vocabulary. Don’t say it, and don’t even think it. This is bigger than just not saying or thinking a particular word, this is a mindset that can totally change the way you interact with your spouse.
8: Tell him how thankful you are for him, and tell him how hot you think he is (especially in that one pair of jeans…?). Don’t just assume he knows that you appreciate him and are still incredibly attracted to him!
9: Time together is important! Date nights are important, even if they have to happen at home cause you have sick kids and you can’t do anything…find time to connect no matter the circumstance.
10: Serve, love and respect. Three of the hardest things to do when we don’t feel like it. Do it anyway. Love and respect can also be verbs so when the feelings of love and respect aren’t there you can still physically act them out. Trust us, it’s a game changer!
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